

ambiguities: (noun) uncertainties; terminology that offers vague, unclear or multiple interpretations

caucus: (verb) to meet among a group with common interests in order to consult on issues of import for 

society; (noun) the delegates or representatives who meet in such a group

censure: (verb) to admonish or correct

clause: (noun) section of an official document covering a specific topic, an identified need or a protection that strives to prevent future ambiguities

coalesce: (verb) to merge or come together

code-of-ethics: (noun) an agreed upon group moral standard that values the common good

constitution: (verb) document detailing a founding philosophy, intended to guide specific laws over time

contingent: (adjective) dependent on something else rather than self-contained

creed: (noun) a longer version of a motto; a statement all can repeat to emphasize a belief system or common vision

ensue: (verb) to result from or to continue as a next phase

exigency: (noun) an urgent or important need or issue relevant to a particular time

intervening: (adjective) the time period since

outbreak: (noun) an infectious disease affecting one area. (An epidemic affects a larger region; pandemic results if the outbreak spreads worldwide.)

metaphorical: (adjective) symbolic of; mirroring a similar object

milieu: (noun) a setting or set of circumstances

portend: (verb) to bring about or invite certain circumstances

secular: (adjective) based on general interests rather than on religious systems

surmise: (verb) to make an informed guess or to assume

vilification: (noun) presenting someone as a villain; judging another or negatively characterizing their motives